How to add Infraforge nameservers in Namecheap?

Changing namesevers in namecheap

To add Mailforge nameservers in Namecheap, follow these steps:

1. Log in to Your Namecheap Account

2. Access the Domain List

  • Once logged in, click on "Domain List" from the left-hand sidebar.

3. Select the Domain

  • Find the domain you want to update and click on the "Manage" button next to it.

4. Modify Nameservers

  • Click on the 'Advanced DNS' tab and find the 'Personal DNS Server' section >> select 'Custom Nameservers' from a drop-down menu > click on the 'Add Nameserver' button:

5. Enter Mailforge Nameservers

6. Save Changes

  • After entering the nameservers, click on the Green Checkmark or Save button to apply the changes.

7. Wait for Propagation

  • DNS changes can take anywhere from a few minutes to 48 hours to propagate globally.

8. Verify the Changes

  • You can verify if the nameservers have been updated by using online DNS checker tools or by checking the status in your Namecheap dashboard after a few hours.

This process will redirect your domain’s DNS management to Mailforge.

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