A Sending Quota Exceeded Error occurs when a mailbox exceeds its daily limit for sending emails. This error is typically triggered to prevent potential damage or suspension of the mailboxes.
By default, in Salesforge the cold-emailing limit is 30 and the warm-up e-mail limit is 20 to avoid burnout or over-time damage to the reputation of the domains.
The daily email limit increase on fresh mailboxes per daily sending limits. Taking this in consideration will make this error extinct :
Day 1: 1 email
Day 2: 10 email
Day 3: 25 email
Day 4: 50 email
Day 5: 100 email
Day 6: 500 email
Going to Salesforge> Mailboxes> Clicking on the mailbox>Warm-up will show you the values of the warm-up e-mails. There is a recommended maximum 20, it is set to avoid overwhelming e-mail service providers and to gradually build sender reputation.

Clicking on Settings will show you the recommended settings for the Daily sending limit. We have a recommended of 30 daily cold e-mails (this does not interfere with the warm-up e-mails) to avoid damaging the reputation.